Indian Idol Fame Swatika Thakur's songs did the enchanted* Panchayatiraj News

Indian Idol Fame Swatika Thakur's songs did the enchanted* Panchayatiraj News 
Tirodi @ Magazine. This year, various entertaining programs are being made various entertaining programs in the public Durga Festival Committee of Tirodi Moyal Limited. In the last night, Orchestha Hafiz Nagpur was presented by Junior Salman Khan and fellow artists in which Junior Salman Khan fascinated the audience with his style. By reaching the stage and dancing by Salman Khan's dialogue and dancing, along with the audience, calling some people on the stage and danced with them and compared to clap the audience. Similarly, Indian Idol Fame Swastika Thakur also sparked the viewer with his voice. It should be known that Swastika Thakur has scattered the magic of his voice in the Indian Idol, Rising Star and Gold Voice India TV Show and the golden voice was a winner of the TV show. He has made many libs in India and besides his presentation in London. Greetings in Chhindwara of Madhya Pradesh and earned education from the college here and started the journey from the Indian Idol TV show and has given the program presentation with many known artists.

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